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电话: 020-39125386
传真: 020-80727968
姓名: cherrylee
Guangzhou xinying beauty furniture factory
XY-85210美容床 980-2800元 价格:980元
XY-85210美容床 980-2800元 价格:980元

  Our specializing in manicure chair,spa equipment,barber chair,beauty bed,massage chair,kid barbering equipment series,beauty instrument,pedicure spa and manicure chair and kid barbering chair. We have a professional and excellent technical *域名隐藏* is our strength,we quickly start and have good design *域名隐藏* to visit us .Looking forward to your support and trust.


Guangzhou xinying beauty furniture factory / 广东 / Gulong Road No.5,Shawan Town,Panyu District,Guangzhou City,China (511487) / 电话:020-39125386

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